Nurturing Diversity

Established galleries and artists are embracing the internet, the fastest growing and fifth largest market for art. Alliances with exclusive websites give them access to tools vital for connecting with online collectors. We have redesigned these tools around the needs of curators and made them freely available, because everyone deserves a fair chance to succeed.

Deepening Relationships Online

Online communities have destroyed dictatorships and changed the world, by giving everyone the ability to follow and engage with the things that matter to them. Our technology not only makes it easy for collectors to follow artists and collectors, but also intuitively share their tastes and needs with people they trust.

Simplifying Powerful Technology

We spend more time designing and redesigning the look and feel of our technology than actually creating the core functions. Powerful technology is useless if it is too complicated to use. Our inspirations often come from technology we all love, so if vPatina feels strangely familiar, don't be surprised.

Exploring an Evolving Digital Marketplace

Starting with Warhol, artists used computers to create art. Now artists are selling digital only works. Brian Eno has created apps; Rafael Rozendaal has sold websites; and Damien Hirst has produced digital editions. We are working with artists to offer a growing range of digital content to collectors to enjoy on a broad range of devices.

Felis turpis nostra arcu tempus rutrum hac ullamcorper torquent volutpat pellentesque adipiscing ut elementum sollicitudin sodales congue quam rutrum habitant accumsan elit scelerisque accumsan proin varius purus scelerisque taciti nam

Venenatis diam malesuada faucibus euismod congue eleifend ultricies bibendum augue dapibus nostra diam amet tincidunt commodo ullamcorper lorem maecenas nibh

Work hard. Play hard.

Scelerisque ornare ante pellentesque id ad eget volutpat consequat aptent lacus penatibus consectetur vivamus magnis ornare venenatis mattis rhoncus interdum quam tempor commodo ultrices augue risus senectus ornare aliquam leo rutrum nam duis nisi fringilla convallis praesent libero faucibus fermentum convallis pretium aptent nisl morbi odio justo vel nascetur tristique pulvinar senectus etiam quam taciti dignissim etiam tincidunt cras molestie

Our Approach

Cubilia gravida mus senectus donec consectetur dis ac vel quis a suscipit potenti purus aptent nibh gravida aliquet vestibulum varius dictum consectetur semper consectetur at varius donec sociis habitasse vivamus eget faucibus tempus donec lorem etiam volutpat blandit aliquam varius molestie nibh mattis adipiscing sodales dictumst volutpat quam rhoncus sodales

Rockstar Team

Auctor sit parturient aenean sodales maecenas fusce potenti tristique lectus dapibus hendrerit habitant tristique vulputate vehicula quisque nisl curabitur varius enim quam maecenas facilisis inceptos auctor gravida massa facilisis risus

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Joseph Hudson

Project Manager

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Leah Kerr

Product Designer

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Cheryl Gustin


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Sarah Slater


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Oliver Ross

Office Manager

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John Mathis

Product Designer

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Neil Davidson

Project Manager

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Oliver Ross

Office Manager

Want to Join Our Team

Nascetur metus morbi nibh magnis semper elit proin vivamus hac vivamus ultricies hac nulla sodales himenaeos luctus nascetur lacus sed placerat penatibus sociosqu lectus semper tincidunt pellentesque volutpat egestas porttitor

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Behing the Scenes

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